Fossils are the only thing over the age of 25 Leo’s interested in

The Museum of Natural History has turned many children into wannabe paleontologists — but leave it to Leo to actually go out and buy fossils of his own….

Homeless man was real-life Leo in ‘Catch Me If You Can’

A homeless man acted like a regular Frank Abagnale Jr. — stealing personal information through a temp job to live the high life like the Leonardo DiCaprio character…

A veteran us navy commander releases some 1989 images of alien spaceship

Photographs of UFO or alien encounters circled the Internet a long time ago. However, it is hard to find legitimate photos proving the existence or humans’ connection to…

Strange aliens are present on the moon. NASA researcher asserts

The fact that we are not alone on the moon has been a controversial topic for a long time. There have been many claims of UFO sightings coming…

Justin Bieber wants to be the next Leonardo DiCaprio

Move over, Leo? A “soberish” Justin Bieber, 21, wants to be the “Leonardo DiCaprio of his generation,” sources tell Page Six, with a mix of girls, clubs, cars and more…

A breath-taking new image of Saturn was been taken by Hubble, and it hardly looks real.

Hubble has captured a new image of Saturn that makes you wonder if it’s even real. The image is so crisp it makes it look like Saturn is…

By 2050, A Japanese Company Is Planning To Build A Space Elevator

According to the 2050 deadline set by the Japanese business Obayashi, a space elevator will be built. The elevator will travel 96,000 kilometers (60,000 miles) into space, carrying…

Leonardo DiCaprio almost unrecognisable after drastic weight loss ‘Wow he is looking fit!

LEONARDO DICAPRIO showcased his impressive weight loss transformation as he was spotted with his girlfriend in Malibu, California, this week. How did the actor lose so much weight?…

Sharon Stone Says She Paid Leonardo DiCaprio for ‘The Quick and the Dead’ Out of Her Own Salary

At the time, Sharon Stone said the studio didn’t want to hire an “unknown” like Leonardo DiCaprio for the western film Leonardo DiCaprio has Sharon Stone to thank for helping him…

Leo joins Hollywood’s elite to help Ecuadorian farmers

Leonardo DiCaprio, the Oscar-winning actor and environmentalist who spends his time saving tigers, protecting oceans and dating models, has a new cause: helping Ecuadorian farmers. DiCaprio by investing…

NASA produces sounds using astronomical data; this is a black hole’s sound.

Have you ever wanted to hear a black hole’s voice? This is your chance, though. Althoυgh Black Holes do пot allow aпythiпg to escape their mighty gravity pυll,…

Leonardo Dicaprio nearly died in two freak accidents on way to meet Putin

Leonardo DiCaprio nearly died in two freak airplane accidents when on his way to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin to talk about tigers. The Oscar-winning actor…