Shark Hunters Discover New Population of Four-Legged Fish Fossil That Predates Dinosaurs

Shark hunters have rediscovered a previously unknown population of fish that predates dinosaurs and was once thought to be extinct. The ‘fossil fish’ is 420 million years old….

This Owl Hatched A Duckling As Its Own And Here’s How That’s Possible

As brood parasites, wood duck parents often place some of their eggs in other birds’ nests. It’s a strategy to have as many offsprings reach adulthood as possible,…

Tasmanian Devils Wipe Out 6,000 Penguins After Being Introduced On Australian Island

When nature conservation goes wrong. Photo: JJ HArrison According to BirdLife Tasmania, a local conservation organisation, introducing a small population of Tasmanian devils to Maria Island in east…

Tasmanian Devils Wipe Out 6,000 Penguins After Being Introduced On Australian Island

When nature conservation goes wrong. Photo: JJ HArrison According to BirdLife Tasmania, a local conservation organisation, introducing a small population of Tasmanian devils to Maria Island in east…

This Man Intentionally Subjected Himself to the Sting/Bite of 83 Different Insects to Create a Sting Pain Index

Think your job is painful? Try spending a workday with Justin Schmidt, father of the Schmidt sting pain index. Just a normal day on the job for Justin…

Miracle Baby Born At 11 Ounces Headed Home After 9 Months

A preemie from Connecticut who weighed just 11 ounces when he was born is finally home after growing to nearly 11 pounds during nine miracle months at two…

Baby Boy Panda’: Parents Refuse to Give Up Newborn Son With 80 Percent Birthmarks

Mariam Petrosyan, 26, and Taron Petrosyan, 28, a couple from Yerevan, Armenia, are happily expecting a baby boy. However, when the boy Artyom Petrosyan was born, they discovered…

Mom Delivers Rare Identical Quadruplets — A 1 In 11 Million Miracle

The Marrs, from Dallas, Texas, had both been raised as only children, and neither had a family history of multiple births. Jenny wasn’t on fertility treatments either. Jenny…

Little Girl Inherits An Incredibly Rare Genetic ‘Birthmark’ – Leaving Her With A Striking White Streak Through Her Hair

A mother has passed on a unique ‘birthmark’ that turns her hair white to her daughter – who has become the fourth generation of her family with the…

Tech revela a una pequeña momia que no se parece a su retrato

Las nuevas tecnologías han permitido a los científicos examinar el interior de una pequeña momia egipcia que tiene casi 2000 años. Esto significa que los científicos pueden examinar los…

¿Por qué tantos niños del Antiguo Egipto sufrían anemia?

En un fascinante estudio osteoarqueológico “primero en su tipo”, los científicos descubrieron que la anemia era común en los niños del antiguo Egipto que habían sido momificados. Mediante…

La sorprendente momia de Guano: Un fraile del siglo XVI y su raton

El 5 de agosto de 1949, un terremoto golpeó la pequeña ciudad ecuatoriana de Guano, provocando que muchos edificios se resquebrajaran y derrumbaran. El desastre, curiosamente, llevó al…