
Rescue Abandoned Little Puppy With Big Injury Lived In Cave With Maggots, No Food and Water

Someone informed the Kokkachi Shelter about a small puppy with a wound around his stomach, so the volunteers went there and checked at the time he was outside the cave, but they didn’t have anything in their hands to catch him.

So they returned to the shelter and obtained all necessary supplies such as cloth, milk, and a bag. The team returned by the time he entered the cave and did not come out. Someone placed a bowl of milk outside the cave and waited a few hours.

After few hours he came outside the cave,by the time they closed the cave with a wooden blocks. And caught the puppy, wrapped it in a cloth, and took him to a veterinary clinic in Calicut.

The rescue operation was very hard, he always was going inside each time they tried to catch him. Because the cave was so large, it took some time to catch him.

Unfortunately the veterinary hospitals were not opened as it was a holiday. Finally, they found a gentle doctor who agreed to treat him, Dr. Shihabudheen, who did all of the treatement for free.

They took the puppy to Kokkachi’s shelter after treatement. “And he will be a member of the Kokkachi family.”

The puppy recovered quickly and is full of energy. From the time they saw him, the entire shelter staff fell in love with him. He has stunning eyes.

The Puppy is now in good health and enjoys every moment with his human friends, but the sweet puppy still requires a forever family…

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