
Sick Dog Tossed In Landfill For Being “Useless”, Buried In Trash & Waits To Die

Kratos is an 8-year-old Kangal Shepherd who was discovered in a severely emaciated state in a deserted landfill in Corum, Turkey.

Not only was the dumped dog malnourished and dehydrated, but he had also lost all of his hair due to the numerous oozing sores that covered his body.

Volunteers from “Rescuers Without Borders” discovered Kratos collapsed in a muddy hole in the hazardous landfill on a freezing day.

They were heartbroken to see the dog’s defeated expression, as he clearly believed he had a loving family before ending up in the godforsaken landfill.

Unfortunately, Kratos’ story is not uncommon in Turkey. Over the last few months, animal activists have rescued over 800 dogs from various landfills.

Unfortunately, many of the dogs died before they could receive assistance. Owners typically abandon their dogs when they become old or sick, or when they are no longer needed for “work,” according to rescuers.

Hundreds of “landfill” dogs have been rehabilitated by the rescue so far. These dogs are always friendly and eager to please people, despite their unfortunate circumstances.

However, the mission to help the landfill dogs has slowed because each dog rescue costs between $800 and $2,000.

Workers say Kratos’ recovery has been slowed by his weakened immune system, but he should be fully recovered in about two months.

His fur has grown back, and once he has fully recovered, he will be ready for his forever home. My dear, get well soon!

Click the video below to watch Kratos’ rescue and the plight of the other discarded landfill dogs.

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