
Disabled Unwanted Dog With Bent-Legs Is Abandoned On The Road In Front Of A Tire Repair Shop

 In mid-February, tire repair workers Ozimar Queiroz and Lindomar Queiroz were surprised when they arrived early to work at the tire repair shop located on Estrada do Belmont, North Zone of Porto Velho. This was due to an abandoned dog on the side of the road. The docile creature was thin, had open paws, and was unable to walk.

When Ozimar, also known as Galego, learned about the dog’s predicament, he found the conscious decision to care for the dog until he could find a family to adopt him. However, 20 days have passed and the dog still doesn’t have a permanent home.

“They threw him in front of the shop. We arrived in the morning and he was there. We felt sorry for him, we put him here and we are feeding him, but the poor thing is in this situation there. He doesn’t walk because his two front legs are turned back,” he said.

Because of its position on the board, the dog was affectionately named Seal, as it cannot move because it has both paws open.

The tire mechanics move him around a few times during the day, but the dog eventually ends up dragging himself in the mud to interact with the only animal company available, a stray cat that walks around the tire shop.

According to Lindomar Queiroz, the dog is docile and in need of veterinary care, but he cannot afford it.

“Because of his appearance, we call him a seal.” He was very thin when we caught him, but he’s already getting fat because we’re feeding him. He’s filthy from the rain, but we don’t care here,” Lindomar declares.


The abandonment of the dog gained repercussion on social networks and Foca has already been adopted by a couple from Porto Velho.

The tire repair workers who discovered the pit bull on the road cared for him for nearly three weeks, providing him with food and water. They named him “Foca” at first, but Michele took him in and permanently changed his name.

“ It was love at first sight . His condition touched me a lot. Already helpless, she becomes even more so because she is so docile and loving. I fell in love with him,” said his new mother. “I love him. I’m at a loss for words. I love him, very much. Mother’s feeling.”

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