
Man Utd fans beg official Twitter account ‘delete this’ after posting video of Antony against Bournemouth

MANCHESTER UNITED fans begged the Twitter admin to delete a bizarre post of Antony.

Man Utd fans beg official Twitter account ‘delete this’

The Red Devils shared a video to their 35.8million followers on Sunday afternoon.

Antony battled for possession with Lloyd Kelly
He appeared to win a controversial free-kick after his spin

Video: That turn was too smooth

The clip shows winger Antony receiving the ball on his chest on the right-hand side away at Bournemouth.

He then dribbles towards Cherries defender Lloyd Kelly and rolls the ball back to try and spin past him in style.

Hilariously, though, Kelly recovers brilliantly and outmuscles Antony to regain possession and pass to a team-mate.

However, the Bournemouth man appeared to be penalised by the linesman despite the tussle, with United seemingly winning a harsh free-kick.

United shared the 16-second video of their Brazilian trickster – who has one Premier League goal since October 9 – and wrote: “That turn was too smooth, Antony.”

But fans piled into the comments baffled by United posting the footage that did not exactly impress many supporters.

Antony made his way down the wing
And he attempted a flick to take the ball past Kelly
But it did not quite work out that way
Kelly kept Antony from the ball but the referee gave a foul

One said: “What is this??? Delete this.”

Another wrote: “We paid £90m for this?”

A third added: “Please delete before our enemies sees this.”

A fourth commented: “Admin, this isn’t the one.”

Another replied: “Delete please. Do you know how embarrassing this is? He lost the battle. Lucky the ref called it back as a foul, cos tbh, it was really soft.”

And a final user brutally fumed: “Celebrating rubbish.”

Antony flattered to deceive once again with his 86-minute appearance and was replaced late on by compatriot Fred.

And fans hit out at the former Ajax man for his “stupid” rainbow flick attempt which failed to come off.

United ran out 1-0 winners on the south coast thanks to Casemiro’s emphatic winner.

The Brazilian’s close-range bicycle kick flew into the top corner and secured all three points.

And that result ensured Erik ten Hag’s side took a giant step towards Champions League qualification.

They need just one point from their remaining two matches – at home to Chelsea and Fulham – to guarantee their top-four finish.

The video did not go down well with supporters

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