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Heart-stopping moment spear fisherman stabs killer bull shark in the mouth after it attacked him near Great Barrier Reef

THIS is the terrifying moment a diver was ambushed by a killer bull shark near the Great Barrier Reef.

Kerry Daniel, 35, was spearfishing off the coast of Queensland, Australia, when he filmed the heart-stopping footage.

This is the moment a killer bull shark attacked a spear-fisherman in AustraliaCredit: YOUTUBE – Liquid Vision

Kerry Daniel, 35, was diving off the coast of Queensland when he filmed the footageCredit: YOUTUBE – Liquid Vision

Luckily he was able to spear the creature in the mouth before it could bite himCredit: YOUTUBE – Liquid Vision

Floating on the surface, he looks down to see the veracious predator emerging out of the gloom.

It flies up from the deep, silhouetting the helpless diver against the sunlight as it goes in for the kill.

Just as it opens its mouth to inflict its lethal bite, quick-thinking Kerry jams his spear gun into the shark’s mouth.

Its razor-sharp teeth can be seen clearly in the footage as it thrashes around, spewing out blood into the water.

Eventually it floats away back down into the deep as its intended prey makes good his escape.

Kerry, who runs spearfishing channel Liquid Vision, told the Daily Mail he was on an annual trip with pals when the terrifying incident occurred.

He described swimming away from the main group before he noticed the shadowy figure stalking him from about 160ft below.

Bull sharks are known to be aggressive but the experienced diver said he was shocked when the animal swam directly up at such speed to attack him.

He said: “We’ve had reef sharks come up to us before – they might take a fish off your line after you shoot it, but nothing like this!”

Kerry added: “He ripped the gun out of my hand, ripped the line off too.”

The shark shoots up at Kerry after stalking him from 160ft belowCredit: YOUTUBE – Liquid Vision

He stabs the predator in the mouth with his speargun as it opens wide to bite himCredit: YOUTUBE – Liquid Vision

The shark wriggles and writhes underwater as it spews out bloodCredit: YOUTUBE – Liquid Vision

Eventually it floats away with the spear still in its mouth as Kerry escapesCredit: YOUTUBE – Liquid Vision

He told how he was waiting for the shark to spit his gun back out so he could retrieve it before he came to his senses and realised it was not worth it.

It is not known what became of the shark, which was left seemingly mortally wounded by the end of the clip.

Bull sharks are one of the most dangerous species of shark, widely considered to be second only to tiger sharks and great whites.

They are common in shallow coastal areas in the tropics, and are also known to swim up rivers and attack people in fresh water as well as the sea.

They are also extremely aggressive – although experts which Kerry spoke to said the behaviour of the one which attacked him was unusual.

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