
Roberto Firmino’s dentist reveals Liverpool star wanted off-the charts white teeth – now everyone wants ‘Bobby Dazzlers’

ROBERT FIRMINO’S dentist has revealed the Liverpool forward asked for “super-white” teeth… a colour that is now known as the “Bobby Dazzler”.

The Brazilian, 31, is known for his glistening gnashers – much like Reds manager Jurgen Klopp.

Roberto Firmino is known for his extremely white teeth
Firmino has been a magnificent servant for Liverpool

And now Liverpool-based dentist, Dr Robbie Hughes, has detailed exactly how Firmino asked for them to be done.

He told The Athletic: “He was introduced to me by Lucas Leiva, alongside Philippe Coutinho. Bobby was seeking a smile makeover and we chose to do some porcelain veneers for him. He wanted them very white, beyond (grade) one on the chart, so we created a super-white colour for him.”

Dr Hughes then went on to claim many people have asked for the Firmino-inspired look since he first showed them off.

He said: “Not many had asked for that before but since Bobby had them done, over the years patients of mine have come in and requested ‘the Bobby Dazzlers’.”

Dr Robbie Hughes (right) said that Firmino (left) requested ‘beyond grade one’ white teeth when he came to see him in 2016

Firmino said an emotional farewell to the Liverpool faithful on Saturday afternoon after scoring a late equaliser to salvage a draw for the Reds in his final Anfield match. And he broke down in tears following the full-time whistle.

Roberto Firmino was emotional as he made his way off the pitch. He is leaving after eight years at Anfield

The attacker will depart Merseyside at the end of the season when his contract expires. He has been linked with a host of top European clubs including Barcelona, Napoli and Real Madrid. Firmino has contributed 110 goals and 79 assists in 361 games for Liverpool.

He played an integral role in a formidable containing himself, Sadio Mane and Mo Salah. And his trophy cabinet includes a Premier League, FA Cup, Carabao Cup and Champions League.

Source: thesun

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