
It’s a snake-eat-snake world: The grisly moment a deadly dugite is caught devouring one of its own

From creepy spiders to huge sharks and some of the most venomous creatures on the planet, it is fair to say Australian wildlife can be pretty terrifying.

And now it seems things have got just a bit more vicious after Natalie Hedzik photographed a snake eating one of its own.

Ms Hedzik, who works on a mining site in Western Australia, said she discovered the gruesome scene while driving down a track near her work in the town of Capel.

Natalie Hedzik, a mining worker from Western Australia, photographed this dugite snake devouring a tiger snake while driving through the outback

‘I was driving along a track and just saw this mass in the middle of the road. I got out and had a look and was just absolutely amazed,’ she told WA Today.

‘I’m not normally a big fan of snakes and I was a little wary that was going to get bitten – but then I had a good look and I could see there was no chance, he definitely had his mouth full.’

Dugite snakes are venomous and use a mixture of poison and constriction to kill their prey, which typically consists of mice or small reptiles.

They are relatives of the eastern brown, considered the second most lethal land snake in the world, and while they are nowhere near as venomous, bites can kill.

While dugites are known to kill and eat other snakes such occasions are rare and catching one of them on camera is even more unusual

While dugites are known to eat other snakes such instances are rare and are not often caught on camera, according to Perth Zoo.

Meanwhile tiger snakes, so-called because of their striped appearance, are highly venomous and know to be aggressive, particularly if cornered.

They will eat virtually any prey they can catch, including rodents, fish, and have also been known to eat other reptiles.

Source: dailymail

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