
Eye-watering sum Man Utd ace Marcus Rashford’s businesses make every day revealed

THREE Lions ace Marcus Rashford is proving as much of a hotshot off the pitch as on it — with his businesses making £48,000 a day.

Eye-watering sum Man Utd ace Marcus Rashford’s businesses make every day revealed

The canny star’s earnings now eclipse the £200,000-a-week wages he gets from Man United.

Marcus Rashford’s businesses are making £48,000 a day
The striker’s wages netted him £10.4million

Accounts from Companies House showed his businesses made £17.7million in the 12 months to April 2022 and hold total assets of £31million. The striker’s wages netted him another £10.4million.

A source said: “Marcus is a bright bloke — and very quick to spot a business opportunity. His determination and drive comes from his childhood when he struggled. And he is now as good at spotting chances off the pitch, as he is on it — as his earnings show.”

In particular, his image rights company, MUCS Enterprises, enjoyed a good year with its assets increasing by £11million to £20.1million. Housing business MUCS Properties made a £6.5million profit and now holds £9.7million of assets.

Kind-hearted Rashford, 25, is reportedly renting one of his properties to bankrupt former Man Utd player Wes Brown, 43, for “mates rates”. His third company, MUCS Investments, held £292,227 in assets as of January 2022.

In February, we revealed that he set up a private security business of which he is sole director.

MUCS Security is yet to file accounts. Rashford, who relied on breakfast clubs and free school meals while growing up as a child, was made an MBE in 2020 for his campaigning against child poverty during Covid.

Manchester United star Marcus Rashford partners with charity to get meals to vulnerable children

His intervention helped to force a government U-turn on free school meal vouchers for 1.3million children during the school holidays. A spokeswoman for Rashford was approached.

Phil-ing his boots

MANCHESTER City and England star Phil Foden has raked in £6.4million in two years from his image rights, according to accounts filed by his company Rondog Sports. The bonanza is on top of a £150,000-a-week wage packet and a lucrative boot deal with sportswear giant Nike.

Phil Foden has raked in £6.4million in two years from his image rights

Foden, 22, is now investing some of his wealth in bricks and mortar, having set up PF Property Holdings to buy, sell and let properties.

Source: the-sun

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