
Man City stars watch TV and dance to celebrate the Premier League title – with Jack Grealish leading the way

The stars of Manchester City (Man City) from the gym jumped for joy and hugged each other as they won their third consecutive Premier League title.

The Manchester City players look nervous as they watching the closing stages of the Arsenal game

A clip spread on social media shows that many stars of Man City and Coach Pep Guardiola are said to have sat in the same room at the team’s training ground to watch the match between Arsenal and Nottingham Forest in the first round. 37 Premier League.

Stars like  Erling Haaland , Jack Grealish, Rodri, Nathan Ake, Bernardo Silva and Ruben Dias… were quite nervous when Arsenal attacked fiercely in the late game. And emotions burst when the referee blew the whistle to end the match with a 1-0 victory for Nottingham Forest.

Man City players danced to celebrate when the match ended
The joy of Man City players

They jumped for joy and hugged each other when they officially won the third consecutive Premier League title without having to play the 36th game of the season. Man City currently has 85 points (just played 35 games) but is 4 points ahead of the second team Arsenal (played 37 matches).

Man City stars celebrate their third consecutive Premier League title

Man City also has the ambition to “triple”

Earlier this year, there was a time when Man City was   8 points behind Arsenal . But a poor run of matches has dashed Arsenal’s hopes of winning their first Premier League title since 2004.

Man City captain Ilkay Gundogan shared: “The Premier League is undoubtedly the most competitive league in the world. Helping the club win a third consecutive Premier League title is something very special. It will be a season that I will never forget.”

Coach Pep Guardiola was also present to watch the Arsenal – Nottingham Forest match

Meanwhile, striker Erling Haaland said: “Always try your best, always believe and you will be rewarded. Go Man City!”.

After winning the Premier League for sure, coach Pep Guardiola’s army will be “free” to aim for the “triple” goal this season. Man City still has two important finals of the season, against Manchester United in the FA Cup and  Inter Milan  in the Champions League.

Video: The winning moment!

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