
Barcelona midfielder admits it would be ‘incredible’ to see Messi return in the summer

Speaking to Ziggo Sport, Barcelona midfielder Frenkie de Jong has admitted that it would be ‘incredible’ to see club legend Lionel Messi make a return in the summer transfer window.

As we close in on the final phase of the 2022/23 campaign, Barça have their total focus on planning for the summer window, having already sewn up the La Liga title.

At the top of their priority list for the summer is the signing of former captain and club icon Messi. The 35-year-old Argentine is set to become a free agent at the end of the season when his contract with PSG expires and Barcelona are intent on bringing him back to the club.

Messi, for his part, is also understood to be keen on securing a move back to his former home. Both parties are waiting for La Liga’s approval of the club’s financial viability plan before the operation can proceed.

Several Barcelona players, manager Xavi Hernandez, and president Joan Laporta have all openly spoken about the possibility of Messi’s return to the club in the summer. And now, de Jong has joined in, stating that it would be great to have his former captain back.

“Messi is a fantastic player. It would be incredible if he comes back. But I don’t know if it’s going to happen,” he said.

During the interview, de Jong also spoke about his relationship with club president Laporta, insisting that things have always been good between them despite the period last summer when the Blaugrana tried to force him out of the club.

“My relationship with Joan Laporta is good. Actually, it was never bad. Of course, there was this situation last summer, but my relationship with him is good,” he said.

Having been at the club for close to four years now, de Jong won his first La Liga title with Barcelona this season. Talking about the triumph, the midfielder said:

“It finally happened. Of course, I hoped I had already won more trophies, but we weren’t good enough. This year we were. Now we have to keep on improving to win more titles!”

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