
Mbappe’s PSG ‘dream’ could cost 150 million euros

French forward to be the franchise player

With just three games to go in Ligue 1, Paris Saint-Germain are within a whisker of being confirmed as champions again, so thoughts are naturally turning to the look of the squad for next season.

Some changes are expected at the Qatari-backed side and with Lionel Messi likely to move on, Kylian Mbappe will become the club’s top man, the franchise player, with everything that goes along with that.

Mbappe’s expensive dream

The France international is already an influential character at the club and that status will only increase in the coming months. The club have been desperate to keep him around and therefore to keep him happy.

High on Mbappe‘s wish list is for PSG to sign a true no.9, a striker he can play off in order to give him more freedom in attack, while simultaneously relieving him of some of the goalscoring burden. The problem, of course, that the right calibre of player won’t come cheaply.

The no.1 option, price being no object, would be Victor Osimhen of Napoli, who has caught the eye of all of Europe with his performances this season. He would likely cost in the region of 150 million euros.

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Meanwhile, the ‘budget’ option might be Harry Kane at a relatively modest 100 million euros. Perhaps his expiring contract (2024) might force Tottenhamto accept a lower offer, too.

Whichever way you look at it, PSG sporting director Luis Campos is set for a busy summer. A possible exit for Neymar could also be something on his agenda.

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