
Man Utd’s bid for Kylian Mbappe explained as Sheikh Jassim dreams of signing

Manchester United could try and sign Kylian Mbappe from Paris Saint-Germain if Sheikh Jassim succeeds with a takeover.

Should Sheikh Jassim succeed in his attempts to buy Manchester United, then Kylian Mbappe is reportedly a player in his sights. It’s easy to see why, with the Paris Saint-Germain star one of the best players in the whole of world football. So, with that being the case, Express Sport now takes a look at the club’s previous bid for the France international…

Back in 2017, United wanted a new striker.

They knew Zlatan Ibrahimovic couldn’t go on forever, with Jose Mourinho also aware his side needed more firepower to challenge for the biggest trophies on offer.

It quickly became apparent that United were interested in Antoine Griezmann, with the France international shining for Atletico Madrid at the time.

However, The Guardian then sprung a surprise by revealing the Red Devils had bid a huge £72million in an attempt to land Mbappe.

The youngster was strutting his stuff for Monaco at the time and had propelled the Ligue 1 side to title glory with 26 goals from 44 games.

Mbappe was hot property, with Real Madrid and PSG also showing interest in the forward.

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