
Real Madrid have made Kylian Mbappe their No. 1 priority for 2024

Real Madrid seemed to have had the signing of Kylian Mbappe locked in last summer. The Frenchman’s contract with PSG was expiring and an agreement was understood to be in place with the Spanish heavyweights.

However, the superstar forward made a sudden U-turn and decided to sign a new contract with the Ligue 1 champions, leaving the Merengues red-faced.

But, only a few months into the new season, reports of Mbappe growing unhappy and frustrated at PSG started doing the rounds and they have not stopped.

It has been claimed that the 24-year-old regrets snubbing Real Madrid and wants to make the jump to the Santiago Bernabeu.

And now, journalist Carlos Carpio (via Blanca Remontada), Real Madrid are also interested in signing Mbappe and have made him their No. 1 priority for the summer of 2024.

There have been some suggestions that the Merengues might look to go after the 2018 FIFA World Cup winner this summer itself.

But that is a no-go at this point as the club do not want to spend any transfer fee on his signing while it is unlikely that PSG will also negotiate his sale.

Mbappe’s contract with PSG will expire in 2024, though, at which point he will become a free agent. There is a clause in his deal that would allow him to extend his stay in the French capital for another year. However, the player would also have to agree to that, which is said to be unlikely.

As such, Mbappe could become a free agent in 2024 and Real Madrid are positioning themselves to sign him on a Bosman deal when that happens.

It remains to be seen if Los Blancos are second-time lucky in their pursuit of the 24-year-old superstar. As things stand, a move for him is not on the cards this year, but he will be a top priority for the club in 2024.

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