
Rogue male lion is savaged by rival big cats after venturing too close to female in their pride

A rogue lion’s pride was wounded when his advances on a lioness prompted her brothers to confront him in a vicious fight, dramatic photos show.

The cocksure predator named Jack was pounced on by a gang of male lions at the Shamwari Private Game Reserve in South Africa. Images show how Jack approached the female lion but was immediately surrounded by her brothers in a tense stand-off. The group then started to attack him, savagely using their powerful jaws and strength to scare him off. Jack was uninjured after the fierce encounter.

André Pflaum, 45, captured the incredible moment, saying: ‘After this action, I needed a minute to get over it.

Rogue Male Lion Is Savaged By Rival Big Cats After Venturing Too Close To Female In Their Pride | Bounce Movies
A rogue lion’s pride was wounded when his advances on a lioness prompted her brothers to confront him in a vicious fight, dramatic photos show
Rogue Male Lion Is Savaged By Rival Big Cats After Venturing Too Close To Female In Their Pride | Bounce Movies
The cocksure predator named Jack was pounced on by a gang of male lions at the Shamwari Private Game Reserve in South Africa
Images show how Jack approached the female lion but was immediately surrounded by her brothers in a tense stand-off
Images show how Jack approached the female lion but was immediately surrounded by her brothers in a tense stand-off
Rogue Male Lion Is Savaged By Rival Big Cats After Venturing Too Close To Female In Their Pride | Bounce Movies
The group then started to attack him, savagely using their powerful jaws and strength to scare him off. Jack was uninjured after the fierce encounter
André Pflaum, 45, captured the incredible moment, saying: 'After this action, I needed a minute to get over it'
André Pflaum, 45, captured the incredible moment, saying: ‘After this action, I needed a minute to get over it’

‘A male youngster was not amused that his sister was interested in Jack. The Southern male in charge attacked Jack from behind, whilst Jack was dealing with his son. ‘Jack was chased away because they were too many others and the Southern male in charge was too dominant and experienced.’

André said he is often terrified by his proximity to the fearsome animals who displayed their aggression when fighting off Jack. He said: ‘To sit on an open vehicle, sometimes even without a roof and under a meter away from a big cat, the first time I was really scared.

Animals Fighting Over Territory
Jack was introduced to the group to bring in new genes and to challenge the other lions and his actions clearly brought a rise from them
Rogue Male Lion Is Savaged By Rival Big Cats After Venturing Too Close To Female In Their Pride | Bounce Movies
After the tense encounter, Jack ran away, outnumbered by the other lions who were fighting him off their sister
Rogue Male Lion Is Savaged By Rival Big Cats After Venturing Too Close To Female In Their Pride | Bounce Movies
Jack’s appearance caused controversy because of his perceived inferior strength compared to others in the area
Many locals feared that Jack wasn’t strong enough to fend for himself or hunt food due to being less physically strong than the other males
Luckily, Jack (pictured sleeping after the fight) has since made contact with the central pride, forming an unusual coalition with a young male
Luckily, Jack (pictured sleeping after the fight) has since made contact with the central pride, forming an unusual coalition with a young male

‘Even on walking safaris, you need to be always alerted and need to show your respect for wildlife.’ Jack was introduced to the group to bring in new genes and to challenge the other lions. But his appearance caused controversy due to Jack’s perceived inferior strength compared to others in the area.

Many locals feared that Jack wasn’t strong enough to fend for himself or hunt food. Luckily, Jack has since made contact with the central pride, forming an unusual coalition with a young male. ‘Nomadic lions do have more challenges in getting their food because lions usually hunt in a perfect choreography as a pride,’ said André.

Video: Rogue male lions mess with the wrong lion pride


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